Great War Dust Jackets
Hodder 1917. Fictionalised auto-
Sun Dial Press 1937 (from Fons) A fine example of recycling -
Wooden Swords by Jacques Deval Viking (1st)(lower left) Grosset & Dunlap rpt. 1930(left)
& Lit. Guild 1930 (below from Fons). A comical account of War service by a near-
Marshall Jones 1919. With the American Mission Motor Transport Corps driving trucks for the French Army
Allen & Unwin 1920 With the Australian Light Horse in the Middle East, with Illustrations by James McBey.
Sands & Co 1919. A Franciscan Friar with our troops on the Somme (Vergette-
Fisher Unwin 1918. A blend of truth & fantasy based on Dunsany’s brief time at the front as a Capt. with the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Pincher Martin by Taffrail
Chambers 1916
Murray 1917 (from Lucius Books) & Doran 1917 (from Babylon Revisited) The title story sees Holmes unmasking a German spy in our midst.
Whittaker 1915 2nd imp. All you ever wanted to know about Subs, Mines, Torpedos etc.
Sands & Co 1917 ‘Stories founded on incidents the truth of which has been vouched for by other Red Cross workers’
Constable 1930. Autobiographical novel of a young Canadian Gunner in the ‘Suicide Corps’
John Lane 1918. A novel concerning the pro-
Hodder 1935, third imp. Novel based on the salvaging of the scuttled German Fleet.
Collins 1936.How we entertain ourselves in wartime. From pig-
Obelisk Press 1933 (rebound paperback). A lightly fictionalised account of the author’s
time with the Royal Fusiliers 1914 -
Methuen 1919. A History of the Campaign under Brig. Gen. Cunliffe in the West African Frontier Force.
Robertson & Mullins, Melbourne 1936. The memoir of the Captain of a troop transport vessel taking Australians to England & Egypt. He was torpedoed but survived. (from Tim Whitcombe)
Harpers 1930. Jacket by Gene. Absolutely superb image on this rare US edition. One of the highlights of the era.
Appleton 1918. Vignettes of his training & combat with the RFC.
Privately Printed by Jarrolds 1917. RAMC Officer & Obstetrician
Constable 1916. With the Russian & Polish refuges fleeing the German advance of Autumn 1915. The cardboard like quality of the jacket paper seems to have ensured its survival in considerable quantities!
Putnam 1932. Jacket by R. M. Burley. A happily married lady goes to the Front as a nurse where she falls in love with a wounded soldier & has difficulty adjusting to life on her return. (from Babylon Revisited)
Murray 1918. An Army Surgeon’s experiences in East Africa.
(from David & Helen Pritchard)
Murray 1919. Major, King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
Sidgwick 1919. Fl. Cmd. RNAS. KiA 1918
Hodder 1917. The work of the Merchant Navy during the War.
Boni & Liveright 1919. A novel of the Lafayette Escadrille.
Dodd Mead 1942 illustrated by Paul Brown. A fictionalized story of a horse in Major Downey’s regiment (from Fons)
Geoffrey Bles 1928. Condensed from his ‘France & Flanders’ set but taking in Italy & Salonika.
Privately printed, Woolwich 1919 in wrappers. Compiled by J O K Delap. A scarce and fulsome account of this Battery with a full list of its membership.
John Hamilton 1932. Jacket by Howard Leigh (from Renzo).
Putnam 1919. Lt.Col. Derby was married to Teddy Roosevelt’s daughter.
Houghton Mifflin 1917 later printing. Novel. (from Babylon Revisited).
Seeley Service 1920. How the subs were met & conquered, by a prolific writer on such maters.
Collins 1912. An invaluable look at Germany’s Industrial might on the eve of War.
Little, Brown 1919 & 1927 1st & 2nd eds. Biographies of many of the Flying Aces of the War (from Andre Strong & Hyde Bros. Booksellers).
Angus & Robertson through OUP 1917. Jacket by Hal Gye. ‘Digger verse’ written in the vernacular.
Houghton Mifflin 1917. US edition of the work alongside.
John Murray 1937. Novel beginning on Armistice night 1918. Inscribed by the author.
Rich & Cowan 1933 (fp 1919)
(from the Cheshire Book Centre).
Elkin Matthews 1919. Essays on the destruction seen around the battlefields.
Minton Balch 1927. Jacket by C. Leroy Baldridge. ‘An epic history of the Great War’
Hutchinson 1940. Reminiscences of the Rifle Brigade.
Little, Brown 1918. Biography of the American air ace (from Yesterday’s Muse)
Blackie 1934 The author relates his many years at sea including his time on HMS Castor during the Battle of Jutland (from Geoffrey Miller)
Hodder 1931 The work of Destroyers, Torpedo & Patrol Boats in the War.
Heinemann 1928 (later issue jacket?) (from David & Helen Pritchard)
Cassell 1921. Novel
(from Joseph Natale Books).
John Lane 1919. Jacket by William van Dresser. A shell-
Gundy (Toronto) 1918 (by Clotilde Inez Mary Groves). A romance of the RFC
Century Co. 1918. A War-
Century Co. 1919. A French front-
(from David & Helen Pritchard).
Below Allen & Unwin 1928 cheap ed. (from Geoff Cox)
John Lane 1932. Translated from the French. A comprehensive overview.
Chapman & Hall 1919. Naval Yarn (from Ivan’s Bookstall, Reading).
J. Patenaude (Ottawa) 1938. The first vol of the Canadian Official History Aug 1914
Edward Arnold 1919. The march to reinforce ‘Dunsterforce’ in 1918. The author was a journalist commissioned in the Intelligence Corps.
Bodley Head 1931 A journalist view of the last years of the War & the Russian Revolution.
Davis 1916. A Red Cross surgeon in Serbia.
Hutchinson 1926. Letters from the front by a Lieutenant in the Horse Transport, R.A.S.C. He was nicknamed ‘Gunga Din’ because of his stirring recitals of the poem to entertain his fellow soldiers.
Scribner 1933. Biography of the American War reporter.
All books Hodder & Stoughton. 1916 (2nd ed.), 1917, 1918 & 1919 (from Ralph Spurrier)
Complete set of UK 1st editions sold at auction in 2017.
Doran 1919
Heath Cranton 1922 At Suvla Bay & Egypt.
Burns Oates 1937 An abridgement of the previous two volumes.
Elliot Stock 1916. Irish verse (from Seamus Taaffe)
Secker 1931
by Lt. H.T.B. Drew. Whitcombe & Tombs 1923. Vol 4 in the series.
Stockwell 1925 (by R. Cardew (Duncan). From Peter Lambert.
Melville & Mullen, Melbourne 1919.
The story of the 48th Batt., A.I.F.
Appleton 1917 The Effects of the War on a New York family.
(from Babylon Revisited)
Macmillan 1915. Mother of the last War poet, Geoffrey Dearmer, she worked in a field hospital in Serbia before succumbing to Enteric Fever after only 4 months.
Swarthmore Press 1919 Ex library of Henry Williamson
H. H. Champion 1920. NCO with the 57th Batt., AIF. Mid-
Hodder 1914. The inside story of German Diplomacy & her desire for world conquest (from Andrew Harrison).
Heinemann 1918
Pearson 1916