Great War Dust Jackets
Heinemann 1917. Stories of the Merchant service in War & Peace
Chambers 1919. With the 5th Batt. Royal Scots in the 29th Div.
Scribner 1927. Jacket by Margaret Thorniley Williamson. The experience of black soldiers in the war as told through their songs.
Bodley Head 1919. Although 43 years old at the outbreak of War, ‘Saki’ joined the
22nd Royal Fusiliers, & as a lance sergeant was killed by a German sniper near Beaumont-
Gollancz 1930. Fantasy novel about how the war might have gone if we’d beaten the Turks at Gallipoli.
Cape 1924. A Veteran recovers after the experiences of the Somme
Grosset & Dunlap 1916. The hero defuses a potential holy war fomented by the Germans (from Fons).
Doran 1926
Sampson Low 1932. Much on the introduction of the convoy system in the War.
A L Burt ed. (1916 onwards) by Coll
Melrose 1920. This rare memoir is from the Churchill Book Specialist and is yours for a mere £1075
Stockwell 1931. Rare stretcher bearer’s diary with the 21st Div. Detailed & immediate
(from the Vergette-
Blackwood 1922 (from David & Helen Pritchard)
Macmillan 1928. Play set partially at the Front
The 11th Battalion The Queen’s by Capt. E W J Neave Brixton Press 1931. Part of the
41st Div. Their service from 1916 -
Scholartis Press 1929
Readers Library 1925 ‘Battle, Intelligence services & War-
Dutton 1929 (fp 1927) The story of an Indian trained carrier pigeon in the War (from Fons)
Privately Printed 1952. Rather late but rare memoir of service with the 3rd Coldstream Guards in 1918 & on to the Occupation of Germany. Recently reprinted.
Hutchinson 1928 A fairly routine Regimental History.
The First Three Months by Capt. E. J. Needham(3rd Batt., Northamptonshires) Gale & Polden 1936. An indispensable memoir of the War’s early stages. The outer jacket is completely plain but is, I believe, original.
Shall Angels Weep Again by Mary Needham Herbert Joseph 1936. War memoirs of the wife of the War Correspondent, Henry Needham who met his death in the air with Lt. Warneford. She was a director of the Committee for devastated France.
Cape 1933 & Doubleday 1933 (from Babylon Revisited). Nichols’ pacifist thoughts on
this and the coming war. He has written in the front of this copy ‘We need a new
word for war -
Denis Archer 1935. Probably the best anthology of War experiences with over 150 excerpts.
Bodley Head 1922 The author served with the 76th Battery, RFA, 6th Poona Div. at the 5 month siege of Kut in 1916.
Burt 1929 (f.p. Little, Brown 1919). On a voyage from NY to London a detective suspects another passenger of transmitting propaganda documents to Germany (from Fons) (pub. In UK as ‘Strange Case of Jocelyn Thew’)
Burt 1921 (f.p. Little, Brown 1920) In attempting to bring peace with the Central Powers our heroine saves the Allies from disaster & also finds true love.
Little, Brown 1921 (f.p.1920) A novel of impersonation in the German army in East Africa & with the Norfolks in England.
Little, Brown 1918. Novel about a Swede who spies for the Germans on a mission to England (pub. In UK in 1919 as ‘Mr. Lessingham Goes Home’
Little, Brown 1915. Jacket by Lee Thayer. German spies in England in the run-
Privately printed 1930. 2nd Batt. Ox. & Bucks Light Infantry in France in 1917 then North Russia with the 1st Batt. in 1919. A career soldier who rather enjoyed the War, his letters paint a vivid picture of life at the front.
Longmans 1919 2nd imp. Jacket by Norman Wilkinson. Submarines in the Great War inc. The Baltic, Dardanelles & Zeebrugge
Stokes 1927. Story of a 16 year-
Erskine Macdonald 1917. A collection of Songs, Rhymes & Parodies.
Jenkins 1936. History of the Royal Engineer Tunnelling companies
Alston Rivers 1927. Novel mainly covering the home front whilst our hero is in the trenches fighting the German friends he made before the War
Harrison Smith 1932 A Venezuelan Soldier of Fortune who fought with the Turks at Van.
Dent 1938
Hillman Curl NY 1936. Novel of espionage at the Paris Peace conference (from Babylon Revisited).
Dutton 1937 & Secker 1937 A novel of War & Revolution written by a former soldier.
Dial Press 1927 below Dial Press 1925
Appleton NY 1932. The story of the 7th (Kosciuszko) Sq. Polish Air Sevice immediately after the War (from David & Helen Pritchard).
Venture Library 1931 (fp Longmans 1916) Illustrated tales of the ‘Emden’, Jutland, the RFC etc.(from Fons).
Longmans 1919 4th imp. Jacket by Norman Wilkinson.
Grant Richards 1918 & 1917. Nevinson’s 2 anthologies of War paintings. Only the frontispiece, which is hand signed in all copies, is in colour.
Stokes 1918. Wartime sea tales. (from Babylon Revisited).
Bodley Head 1920 from the ‘On Active Service Series’. Mine-
Macmillan 1936. A political figure of some influence. His part in the ‘Monday Night Cabal’ resulted in the downfall of the Asquith Government.
H. K. Fly 1918. The Canadian Heavyweight with the PPCLI, killed by a German sniper in 1915.
Houghton Mifflin 1917. A French 2nd Lt. (Rene Nicolas) in the Champagne sector in 1915.
(from Good Books in the Woods).
Cape 1923. An anthology of poetry & prose for remembrance day.
McCubbin 1921. A history of the 10th Light Horse Regiment AIF by one of its commanders.
Heinemann 1927 (by Howard Vincent O’Brien). Jacket by K. Romney Towndrow.
The author was a journalist who served as a 1st Lt. of Artillery in the AEF but found himself largely away from the Front.
Bodley Head 1916 in wrappers. Illustration by Helen McKie.
Scribners (UK) 1926. The author was Inspector Gen. of the Turkish Forces (from Parveen Papers)
by Maj.Gen. Sir Lothian Nicholson & Maj. H. T. MacMullen. Littlebury Bros., Liverpool 1936. (this copy inscribed by MacMullen to the late Gen.Nicholson’s daugher).
Bobbs Merrill 1918. Novel telling of the first Indian troops journey to Flanders, their capture & escape & the trek back to India (from Fons)
Hodder 1920. An important account of all branches of the service.
Hodge 1939. The Glasgow Territorials in the Great War.
John Hogg 1921. The Turkish army from 1910-
Constable 1931. Illustrated by Claus Bergen. A collection of 25 eye-
Hodder 1920 War-
Airport Publishing, Buffalo 1936 The author served with the American Red Cross (from William Reece & Co.)
Gollancz 1928. A dramatic, witty & ironical narrative of the Peace Treaty (it says
on the fly-
J. & H. Bell (Nottingham) 1920.
An outstanding Battalion History from its commanding officer. Superb Maps.
Stockwell 1920. Training in 1918
Murray 1921. Through Gallipoli, Egypt & Palestine to France in 1918.
Simpkin, Marshall 1916. Novel
(from Grant Morrow)
Small, Maynard 1925. Before becoming Il Duce he was a humble Sergeant with the 33rd Battalion of the Italian Front. He was invalided out in 1917 with, amongst other things, Syphilis.
(from Dave Golomon)
Dent 1920 Map volume (of 2). Account of the operations against the Turks by the Commander of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force.
Allen & Unwin 1917. The work of the hospital in 1917
Willett, Clarke NY 1937. Commander of U-
Cassell 1918
Arthur Barker 1937. The collected testimony of the survivors.
Hodge 1936
Williams & Norgate 1924 revised edition (fp 1921). Orpen was an official War artist. The pictures are interspersed with anecdotes of what he saw at the front.
Murray 1946. Dealing with the immediate aftermath of the War.
McClelland Stewart 1917 From Mons to 1st Ypres
Day, Son & Co Sydney 1921. Scenes of War torn France by an administrator of the QMAAC.
Whitcombe & Tombs 1922. The Official History by one of their officers.