Great War Dust Jackets
So this was War by ‘Bombadier X’ Hutchinson 1930. Soldier’s point of view for a civilian audience.
Ravens by O’ Philip Bonn. California Graphic Press 1931 Novel
The Forbidden Zone by Mary Borden Heinemann 1929. Hospital stories & poems
The Kinsmen know how to die by Sophie Botcharsky Morrow 1931 Cover by Paul Wenck. Nurse on the Russian Front
Through the Wheat by Thomas Boyd Scribner 1927 (1st illustrated ed.) & Scribner 1923. The best of the American Memoirs.
Flying Memories by Stanley Orton Bradshaw Hamilton 1936 Flying drawings
Madness of War by Harold Brewster Harper 1928 Christian pacifism
Europa in Limbo by Robert Briffault Scribner 1937 Novel. Great War & Russian Revolution
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain Gollancz 1933 Classic nursing memoir by Shirley Williams’ mum. The poor quality of the paper might account for the scarcity of the jacket
Pillbox 17 by Karl Broger Thornton Butterworth 1930. Jacket by Bip Pares.
Germany’s Labour Poet.
Some Soldiers & Little Mamma by Helen Bournois Bodley Head 1919. Life in the base areas told through the cheery letters of a YMCA worker.
With a Field Ambulance at Ypres by William Boyd Doran 1916 (from JRF)
Shifting Sands by N. Bray Unicorn Press 1934. General memoir of the period somewhat critical of Lawrence & other officers involved with the Arabs.
The War God walks again by F. Britten Austin Williams & Norgate 1926 & Doubleday 1926 below. Novel
Macmillan 1933. A much more thoughtful design for this US edition
Story of 60th London Divisional Cyclist Co., inc. History of XVIII Corps Cyclist Batt. W. E. Pristo 1935 (from Tom Donovan)
The Immortal Dawn by Roy Bridges Hodder 1917. Stories of the Australians at Gallipoli based on the diaries of 2 soldiers.
The Sleep-
Salute of Guns by Donald Boyd Cape 1930. RFA officer at the Somme, 3rd Ypres and March retreat
H. M. S. -
Below is the original of ‘HMS’ Blackwood 1918 (from Instant Rare & Collectible, NZ)
An Airman’s Outings by “Contact” (Alan Bott) Blackwood 1917. An Observer with the RFC No. 70 Sq. Flying Sopwith Strutters.
Alarms & Excursions by Tom Bridges Longmans Green 1938. The Governor of South Australia on his time in the Boer War, on the Western Front, at Salonika & with the White Russians.
A Paladin of Arabia by N. Bray Unicorn Press 1936 Biography of Lt.Col. Leachman of the Royal Sussex
Guynemer, Knight of the Air by Henry Bordeaux Chatto 1918. Biography of the French Air Ace who went missing in September 1917.
The US edition of ‘An Airman’s Outings’ G & D (after Doubleday) 1921? (from Andrew Harrison)
Blackwood 1919. Jacket by C. Harvey. Klaxon’s War Poetry (from First Place Books).
Arrowsmith 1928. Jacket by Brier. War throughout the ages (from Babylon Revisited)
Medici 1926.’ A clear & well-
Hutchinson 1938. With 16 Squadron, RFC from May 1916 & then as instructor in ‘cloud flying’ at Orfordness.
Sonnets from a Prison Camp by A. A. Bowman Bodley Head 1919. Written whilst a prisoner in Hesepe camp.
Doubleday 1919 Flying Nieuport’s over Palestine & escape from a Turkish prison. (from Colophon Books).
Moffat, Yard 1917 The work & development of the VAD’s (pub. In the UK as ‘The Story of British VAD work in the Great War’ (from Nick Fletcher)
Little, Brown 1932 (from ABE & Fons) Both copies given as 1932 though I would suspect that the right hand version is a later impression. A German novel centred around the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo.
Methuen 1920. The only example I’m aware of detailing this charitable War-
Hutchinson (1930). Jacket by B.W. trans. from the French. The story of French spies infiltrating the German High Command.
Methuen 1918 wrappered paperback. (I presume this must be some kind of humorous novel)
Gale & Polden 1938 with commentary by Oliver Stewart. A survey of the 37 different aircraft used by the British in the War, each one illustrated by the author. Pity they didn’t use one of them for the cover (from Nick Fletcher).
Selwyn & Blount 1926. Commanding the 12th (Nelson) Company of the NZEF in Gallipoli, France & Egypt
Hamilton 1929 Novel. Lightly fictionalised account of the author’s time as a the 7th London RFA where he won the MC.
Chatto 1929 revised ed. (fp 1919) The Merchant Navy in the War.
Melrose 1917 UK ed. of the book alongside.
Allen & Unwin 1925. The weeks leading up to the War (from Main Street Fine Books, Galena, USA).
Newnes 1917. 2nd of 2 volumes also issued as a part work.
The German Enigma by Georges Bourdon. Dent 1914 An early attempt to understand the German psyche (the back of the jacket advertises a Conrad novel that never materialised) from Any Amount of Books
Doran 1919. Jacket by Thelma Cudlipp. Stories of the German mind at War (from Babylon Revisited).
below Melrose 1918
Christophers (London) 1922. Poems mostly WW1.(from Oxfam).
The Battle Book of Ypres by Beatrix Brice Murray 1927. An account of the various battles. Jacket by E. H. Shepard
Yashka by Maria Botchkareva Constable 1919. Fought on the Russian front & formed the Women’s Battalion of Death to shame the men into fighting and not deserting. No fan of the Bolsheviks she was executed in 1920.
Blackwood 1919. Jacket by Douglas Swale
Hutchinson 1929. A Russian nurse with German & Austrian POW’s. She was known as the ‘Angel of Siberia’
France & Flanders by Sapper Brindle SK Smith 1919. Poems & Pictures from a member of the Canadian Overseas Railway Construction Corps (from Nick Fletcher)
Cornish Brothers 1921 by Brazier & Sandford. Some interesting photos & facts about Munition production, recruitment etc.
To Verdun from the Somme by Harry Brittain Bodley Head 1917. War reporter
Erskine MacDonald 1918
Dedicated to Roland Leighton.
below Gollancz 1934
Heinemann 1924. Diary, Letters & Poems. Braun was killed on the Somme in 1918.
Hale 1953. Service in India, Egypt & Iraq. Chief Field Censor during the War & a magician to boot!
( from Peter Lambert)
An Anthology of War Poems ed. By Frederick Brereton Collins 1930
Forsaken by Stephen Bowen Williams & Norgate 1931 “Confessions of a Priest who returned” . A Chaplain on the Somme
Yale 1918
Werner Laurie 1939. Tales of Wartime London from the last contributor to ‘The Pink ‘Un’.
Constable 1922 (from Grant Morrow)
Charles Kelly (London) 1917. At the Front with a Chaplain in the RFA (from John Etheridge)
Houghton Mifflin 1934. Narrative poem of a young American Airman.
Stokes 1919