Great War Dust Jackets
My Mystery Ships by Gordon Campbell Hodder 1928. Often seen in the more pictorial jacket as in the later edition seen alongside. Hodder 1932
A Passionate Prodigality by Guy Chapman Ivor, Nash & Watson 1933. With 13th Royal Fusiliers on the Somme. Should be in everyone’s top 10!
Vain Glory by Guy Chapman Cassell 1937. The usual jacket & an additional over-
The Woman of Knockaloe (Barbed Wire) by Hall Caine Dodd, Mead 1923, filmed in 1927 as ‘Barbed Wire’ with Pola Negri & Clive Brook who are shown on the above jacket for the Readers Library edition of 1927. Set in Normandy, a German POW falls in love with a French farm girl.
Private Spud Tamson by R W Campbell US ed. Appleton 1915 & a UK one from Blackwood 1917 14th imp. Humorous War Stories. Slightly redrawn for the US version but Spud still looks somewhat deranged!
The Mixed Division Hutchinson 1916. Humorous stories
The Kangaroo Marines Cassell 1915. With the aussies in the Dardanelles, Turkey & the Near East.
By Guess -
In Secret by Robert W Chambers Doran 1919. A mystery novel set on the Swiss border during the War.
A Generation Missing by Carroll Carstairs Heinemann 1930. 1st & 2nd (revised) editions. Both jackets by William Orpen. An American in the RFA & 3rd. Grenadiers.
Good Hunting by William Guy Carr Hutchinson 1940. Follow-
Doubleday 1929. Jacket by Courtney Allen (from William Erti)
Victor Chapman’s Letters from France Macmillan NY 1917. From the French Foreign Legion to the Lafayette Escadrille where he became the first US airman to be killed in the War (from JRF)
War Over England by L E O Charlton Longmans 1936 (Jacket by John French) The story of the Zeppelin Raids and predictions for future Wars
The Drama of 365 Days by Hall Caine Heinemann 1915 Essays on the first year of the War reprinted from the Daily Telegraph.
A Roumanian Diary by Hans Carossa Secker 1929 & Knopf 1920. A German Doctor on the Rumanian Front.
The Cannoneers Have Dirty Ears (by Robert J. Casey) Sears 1927 33rd US Inf. Div. A rare view of a US artillery man at the Front.
Hodder Dec 1929 popular edition.
Roux the Bandit by Andre Chamson Gollancz 1929. Sadly forgotten but major French novel
Hodder 1936 3rd ed. (fp 1932)
Hodder 1917 Notes from the front by the Spanish author of ‘Among the Ruins’ (from MW Books)
Picture Advertising Co. 1917 Compiled by Capt. G. L. Campbell (from Bob Liska)
Davis Printing, Chicago 1918. Flew with the RFC in France from Dec. 1915 until he was shot down in Oct. 1917. He subsequently returned to the US to recruit more pilots.(the image on the cloth cover shows through the hole in the jacket)
Herbert Jenkins 1922. The action to prevent German submarines using the port in 1918. below Houghton Mifflin 1922 (from Barbarossa Books)
The Deepening Stream by Dorothy Canfield Random House 1930 (f.p. Harcourt Brace 1930). A young couple go to France to do their bit but return home disillusioned (from Fons)
The Girl Philippa by Robert W Chambers A. L. Burt rpt. of Appleton orig. 1916. Romance set in Belgium between British secret service operatives (from Babylon Revisited)
Hutchinson 1916. This well-
Holt 1918 & 1919. War time saga.
Doubleday 1918 & Melrose 1919 (from John Etheridge). Service with the battalion at Mons & the Marne until his discharge in 1915.
Doubleday 1930 (from Fireproof Books)
Doran 1915
Mars by Alain Cape 1930 US & UK eds. From NYPL digital library (see link on home page) Essays on War
Barbarians by Robert W Chambers Burt 1917 Novel. A later issue has a less Holmes-
Hutchinson 1939. The 2nd volume of Carr’s Naval trilogy.
Hodder 1934. HM Transport ‘Rio Negro’ in the Black Sea in 1919 evacuating White Russian refugees.
One against England by Ernst Carl Jarrolds (above) & Dutton 1935. Autobiography of a German Spy with the truth about Kitchener’s death & a plot against the British fleet. Jacket by Douglas Moir.
Faber 1939. A study of the effects of the War on the civilian population of the various nations.
Ten Months on a German Raider by John Cameron Doran 1918
Constable 1917. General history of the Campaign by one of its officers (from The Book Business).
On Safari by F C Juta & Co., Cape Town 1917 (from Kerry Trubee)
Appleton 1917. Jacket by W.D.Stevens. German agents seek the Gallipoli fortification plans (from Babylon Revisited).
Cassell 1927 1st of 2 volumes. FM Wilson of Ulster served in the Boer War & was Lloyd George’s principal advisor in the last year of the War. He was assassinated by the IRA in 1922.
The Sepoy by Edmund Candler Murray 1919. How the various types of Indian troops performed in the War. Might be considered a rather patronising view these days!
John Murray 1940 About 80 pages on WW1. There were companion volumes on Land & Sea.
Cassell 1923
Ivor, Nicholson & Watson 1935. The complete biography.
Allen & Unwin 1934. The Polish Count tells of his time with the Moslem cavalry & escape from the Bolsheviks.
At G.H.Q. By John Charteris Cassell 1931 Letters to his wife by Haig’s Intelligence chief. A fascinating book.
Cassell 1929. An overly respectful view of Haig by one of his Generals.
Hutchinson 1918. (it looks as if the extra stripes have turned Spud into a vampire!)
Chambers 1919. Training with the New army.
Journey to the End of Night by Louis-
Houghton Mifflin 1940 written by their commanding officer.
The Country Life Press 1919 written by their CO, Charles Wadsworth Camp. An excellent, well illustrated account.
Scribners 1929
Fawcett & Co 1917 (by Alec de Candole). War poetry.
Steady Drummer by Stanley Casson Bell 1935. Classic personal memoir with the 1st E. Lancs in the Balkans & erecting the memorial to Rupert Brooke on Skyros.
Nelson 1935 Based on a series of lectures given at Trinity College, Cambridge. Partially concerns the War.
A. Brown 1937 by R.B.Carver & others. Excellent history with good maps & photos.
Constable 1925 Recruitment, Financing, Memorial
Bell 1918 His escape from a German prison in June 1917.
(from Hard-
Bobbs Merrill 1930 Jacket by Stina. Novel. Educated man rushes to the Front then returns to his pampered friends at home. (from Babylon Revisited)
Hutchinson 1943 The Royal Naval air service in WW1 & about the early stages of WW2.
John Murray 1928. Recollections of an ex-
Pickering & Inglis 1939. Spiritual crisis during a life at sea.
John McCallum 1934. Jacket by A. M. Burnie. The Glasgow Tramways Battalion at Authuille
Wood & Ovillers on the Somme 1915-
Below John McCallum. Glasgow 1930
Chalmers history of the 16th HLI
Bodley Head 1919. Mostly letters written from the front whilst flying with the RFC. He was killed in a training accident in the States.
Meador Publishing, Boston 1939 With the US 353rd Infantry.
Cassell 1919 in 2-
Tommies Two by Blanche Wills Chandler Sampson Low 1917. Novel
Houghton Mifflin 1924
(from Grant Morrow).
Bodley Head 1916. L.Cpl. R.A.M.C., killed at Loos in 1915.
Suttonhouse 1935 by Russell Gordon Carter. A Warhorse from Wyoming (from Fons)
Allen & Unwin 1916. Verse with illustrations by H.K.Elcock